About Us

Annie and Carol are teachers of Social Presencing.  As members of an international community of SPT teachers and practitioners, we have been exploring how to bring this embodied work to classes and groups online.

annieAnnie Blair uses body-based awareness practices to support personal and collective change processes.  She works with individuals and small groups.  Her background includes Processwork’s Deep Democracy methods and the practice of Authentic Movement.

carolCarol Zahner has a multi-disciplinary career in Human Factors Engineering, Aquaculture, small business, and psychotherapy.  She is co-founder of Processwork Latinoamérica and adjunct faculty with La Escuela de Trabajo de Procesos in Barcelona and the Process Work Institute in Oregon. Authentic Movement and artistic expression have been constant threads in her life and work. Her current research also includes ways of working that honor cultural differences and somatic approaches to trauma.

Annie and Carol are delighted to continue their twenty-plus years of collaboration in offering Social Presencing programs.